Mile Muncher
A brief history of my biking
How it all began
Long distance biking
The RNLI challenge
The GTR 1000
Tips and advice from the expert
What makes a good road to ride on?
Future riding trips
The Institute of Advanced Motorists
Off road motorcycling
Items for sale

Off Road :-

Avoid the traffic and experience Offroad biking

Where would you like to ride today?

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MAIL ME FUTURE RIDES BIKES FOR SALE Cravenplan Computers Limited

Are you still there?
Just south of Salisbury

Better take the snorkel next time


Offroad Information

In 1997 I was lucky enough to move to Wiltshire.  We have many miles of beautiful green lanes which I have been exploring.

I have also joined the Wiltshire TRF (Trail Riders Fellowship) and go to the regular monthly meetings near Melksham.



Whilst I think nothing of riding 500 miles in a day on my GTR I would find it hard going to manage 100 off-road. Although some riders love the thrill of speeding across the rough I love to wander gently around the countryside exploring the lanes and admiring the views. Just look at the fun we had on our TRF trip to Wales in 2006

My favourite terrain is really muddy tracks - the fun of trying to stay upright with the knowledge that if I do fall over I probably won't hurt myself is great.

The great concern at the moment is what the government are trying to do with the Countryside Act (the right to roam)(sic) which seeks to deprive us of many of the lanes we have been legitimately using for decades. See how to combat this by carrying out a rights of way survey.