Mile Muncher
A brief history of my biking
How it all began
Long distance biking
The RNLI challenge
The GTR 1000
Tips and advice from the expert
What makes a good road to ride on?
Future riding trips
The Institute of Advanced Motorists
Off road motorcycling
Items for sale

IAM :-

Institute of Advanced Motoring

Safer riding can still be fun.

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MAIL ME FUTURE RIDES BIKES FOR SALE Cravenplan Computers Limited

Paul Brown runs slow riding events for the IAM in West London
"Paul Brown's slow riding day"

Glen Coe in Scotland
"Friends at Glen Coe"

Stopped to admire the view at the top of Zig Zag Hill
"Joint ride with East London & Bournemouth"

Costas Constantine
"More slow riding"


Applecross Pass in the North West of Scotland

Bill Bonfield on his BMW
"Bill Bonfield"

Mid Wales
"Martin Reeve's Welsh Tour"

The midnight run across the Black Mountains
"Sunset in Wales"



Advanced motorcycle rider training
.  I have been a senior observer (instructor) with the IAM since 1997.  Not only because I believe it is important to help others improve their riding, but also because it helps keep me safer.  The Salisbury Plain Group to which I belong have regular monthly rides and special outings.


Join The IAM:

  • Learn to ride quicker but safer
  • Learn to ride more smoothly
  • Advanced Riding Course - benefit from the vast experience of class 1 Police riders
  • Get rid of some of those bad habits you've picked up
  • Ongoing Training - free
  • Stay safe - motorcyclists are 8 times more likely to be involved in an injury accident than car drivers
  • Live longer - motorcyclists are 35 times more likely to be killed in an accident than car drivers
  • Regular monthly meetings - presentations by guest speakers - with a motoring flavour
  • Organised rides and other social activities - regular monthly ride on 1st Sunday each month from Countess
    Services at Amesbury
  • Weekend trips - Lake District and Cornwall in previous years
  • Discounts on insurance from some companies
  • Discounts on some breakdown / recovery services
  • Club magazine and newsletter
  • Everyone welcome - make new friends interested in biking

More info on the Salisbury Plain Group from:

What is the Advanced Riding Course
Training for the advanced test includes a short (2 evenings + one Saturday) course. The "Advanced Riding Course" has elements of classroom theory instruction. This is followed by a ride out at the weekend accompanied by a class one police rider who will demonstrate good riding technique and then comment (constructively) on your own riding.

Although very useful, this element of the training is not essential so if you are unable to make any or all of the sessions of the advanced riding course you can still gain from the training we offer.

Ongoing training
The next stage is that you will be allocated a trained observer who will accompany you at mutually convenient times and provide ongoing advice, guidance and demonstration.

A one time fee of £85 (£75 for under 26's ) - includes your first years membership, copies of "Pass Your Advanced Motorcycling Test" and "The Highway Code" plus the Advanced Riding Course, there is no further charge for your test preparation, other than making a contribution to cover the observer's petrol costs. The fee for the IAM Test itself is also included - there is no obligation to take the test although most associate members do - the national pass rate is about 68%, the pass rate for our group is over 90%


If you are interested in safer motorcycling you might find this study of motorcycle accidents from the Dept for Transport interesting